Opening up about how you feel is hard for most people. But when it’s about feeling anxious, or low, it can be scary because of the stigma around mental health. Despite this, it’s really important to talk about how you feel with someone, as it can help you process your thoughts, and it helps them to know how to best support you.

So, if you’re nervous about having a conversation about how you’re feeling, here are some tips we’ve put together to help you make that step.


Get Comfy 

Being vulnerable with someone about something private can feel really uncomfortable, so try to do everything you can to feel physically comfy! 

Put on your favourite hoodie or sweatshirt, choose a location you feel at home in, and perhaps put some music or a film on. The film or music helps you feel less in the limelight, and the slight distraction can make conversations like this a lot easier.

Sometimes a comforting hot drink can help too – it gives your hands something to hold, and feels soothing to drink too. 


Choose someone you trust

Conversations about how you feel are always easier when you’re talking to someone you know won’t judge, or make you feel bad. It can be a friend, family member, a teacher or a mentor – anyone you feel comfortable with, and who will provide a listening ear. 

The first chat you have about how you feel is the hardest, so just focus on that first conversation. Opening up to one person doesn’t mean you have to open up to everyone. But having someone that you can check in with can be really helpful.


Write down some of the key things you want to say

A lot of the time when we’re nervous, our brain has difficulty remembering everything we want to talk about. 

So, making a list of key points you want to touch on, or key words is really helpful. You might not even need them, but it’s helpful to have them there just in case. You can even give the list to them afterwards, to help them digest and further understand what you want to get across.

The act of writing down what you want to say also helps with your nerves, as it helps you deal with what you’re doing. 


Reward yourself

Chances are you’ll have been working yourself up about opening up, so you’ll have been running on adrenaline. So make sure you look after yourself after!

Choose your favourite ways of relaxing and focus on each thing. It could be a bath, a comfort TV programme, or just getting into bed early with a good meal, but give yourself something nice to look forward to. 


Need more support with your mental health? Try out our worksheets, or read some more of our blogs.